2020 has taught us many things, but perhaps one of the first we learned was that we need to be prepared for anything. From becoming home school experts to mastering the art of Zoom quizzes, we have had to adapt to many unexpected things this year.
For instance, this time last year no one would have predicted that the humble wipe would become such a business essential. But hygiene is at the top of everyone’s agenda and wipes are now essentials, which is why we’ve searched out the best we could find to add to our range.
UltraGrime wipes are huge, extremely strong and suck up dirt like a micro fibre cloth, which makes them perfect for the demanding conditions of a workshop. What’s more, they stay wet and usable for over an hour out of the pack. Using smaller, lower quality wipes is clearly a false economy when you end up having to use twice as many.
We’re offering Ultra Grime’s Multiuse wipes for removing grease, silicone, paint, adhesives and more, as well as Anti-Bac wipes, which have a 99.999% bacteria kill rate and are effective against all kinds of common viruses, including coronaviruses, influenza and norovirus.
They’re available as add-ons to your usual orders, so don’t forget to throw in a pack or two next time you’re placing an order!